
Graduation Ceremony of Smart & Skilled Students (Fairfield Classes)

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On 14 November 2019, University Preparation College held a Graduation Ceremony at Telskuf Association Office, Fairfield where 12 students were awarded the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113) and 15 were issued the Statements of Attainment for their successful completion of the Skills Set Course. All were funded by the NSW Government under the Smart and Skilled Program.

Most of these students who have recently arrived in Australia are displaced people from the war-torn areas in Syria and Iraq. Braving their way to success, these courageous students need to overcome many difficulties such as the unfamiliar environment, cultural differences, their limited English, young children under care, financial hardship, etc.

The students appreciated the whole-hearted support from many communities and religious groups. In particular,

– Telskuf Association – for providing the venue and other facilities for training in its office at Fairfield

– Gateway International – for providing orientation, translation and interpretation and having employed many graduates from this group.

An experienced Arabic-speaking trainer, Ms Debbie Bechara, was engaged to deliver the course. After 9 months of hard work, 12 of the 17 enrolled students successfully completed the Certificate III course while 15 of 16 other students completed their 3-month Skill Set program.

Currently, 2 of the Certificate III graduates have been employed full-time, 10 are working as part-time or casual and 6 of them are waiting to be enrolled into Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113) under the traineeship program.

For Skill Set students, half were employed as casual childcare educators, and all are waiting for funding to complete the Certificate III qualification.

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