

National Course Code CHC30113

CRICOS Course Code 083064G

Course Duration: 12 months

Target students: International students

Delivery arrangement:

  • Normal: Mixed mode (Classroom + Structured self-study)
  • COVID-19 pandemic period: Mixed mode (Classroom + Online + Structured self-study)

Course Description

This qualification provides students intending to work with children in a supervised or unsupervised capacity. It equips them with the understanding of child-centred approaches, knowledge about learning and development, and how to utilize organization policies and procedures and individual children profiles to plan activities and provide care to children so as to facilitate their leisure and play, and enable them to achieve their physical and mental development.

Undertaking this qualification will prepare you for work in early childhood education settings that meet the requirements of Australia Education and Care Services National Regulations and the National Quality Standard.

Entry Requirement

  • English proficiency: IELTS overall score equals to 5.5 or equivalent (Note 1 – Page 3).
  • Academic: Successfully completed year 12 of the 12-year school system. Year 11 students with high results will be considered.

Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning

Credit transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) are available if students have studied childcare courses or worked in the childcare profession.

If RPL or/and CT is granted, you may have your studying period and visa shortened.

Resources Requirements

You can access all course learning and assessment  materials using our Moodle system. The course materials fee is $150.

Course Outcomes

Occupational titles suited to this qualification include:

  • Kindergarten Assistant
  • Nanny
  • Playgroup Supervisor
  • Child Care Worker
  • Family Day Care

Course Structure

To achieve the CHC30113 qualification you have successfully completed

  • 15 core units;
  • 3 elective units and
  • A mandatory minimum 120 hours of work placement.

15 core units of competency

  1. CHCDIV002 – Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  2. CHCECE001 – Develop cultural competence
  3. CHCECE002  – Ensure the health and safety of children
  4. CHCECE003 – Provide care for children
  5. CHCECE004 – Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
  6. CHCECE005 – Provide care for babies and toddlers
  7. CHCECE007 – Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
  8. CHCECE009 – Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
  9. CHCECE010 – Support the holistic development of children in early childhood
  10. CHCECE011 – Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
  11. CHCECE013 – Use information about children to inform practice
  12. CHCLEG001 – Work legally and ethically
  13. CHCPRT001 – Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
  14. HLTAID004 – Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
  15. HLTWHS001 – Participate in workplace health and safety

3 elective units of competency

  1. BSBWOR301 – Organise personal work priorities and development
  2. CHCECE006 – Support behaviour of children and young people
  3. CHCPRT003 – Work collaboratively to maintain an environment safe for children and young people

Delivery Mode and Total Volume of Learning

We offer a blended delivery mode of classroom learning, structured self-learning and work placement. The course has 36 studying weeks (4 terms) during a period of 12 calendar months.

For the first 7 weeks of each term, you attend classes 14 hours per week and complete another 6 hours of structured self-learning doing required coursework. For the last 2 weeks of each term, you will be placed in a childcare centre working up to 16 hours per week.

On top of these, you study in your own time up to 15 hours per week then complete assessments.

Assessment Method

Assessment of the theoretical component of the training program is both knowledge (Quizzes) and competency-based (Assignments) while the workplace component is monitored and assessed using work logbook, journal records and on-site visits.

Course Completion

Upon successful completion of all 18 units of competency of this course, you will receive the Australian nationally recognised qualification of the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30113) which includes two documents, the Testamur and the Record of Results. A student who does not complete all required 18 units will be issued a Statement of Attainment showing all units of competency that he/she has successfully completed.


The CHC30113 is a level 3 qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Therefore, it is mandatorily recognised by all AQF colleges. On successfully completion of this qualification, you can gain credit (11 units of competency) when you enrol to study the CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care to continue your education.

Training and Other Facilities

UPC campus is fully equipped with required facilities including modern computers with internet access, data projector, printing and photocopying facility, and a mini kitchen and common area.

Typical Timetables

Weeks 1 to 7 of each term:

  • Day 1 and Day 2 (14 hours): Face-to-face study with the trainer (Teacher)
  • Day 3 (6 hours): Structured self-study (Designed and monitored by the trainer).

Weeks 8 and 9 of each term:

  • Two days per week (Up to 16 hours): Work placement in an appointed childcare centre.

Work Permit during Study Period

You are permitted to have paid employment during your study in Australia: 40 hours per fortnight (Every two weeks) during study term and no hour limit during term breaks or holidays.